Check Out 5 Most Loved Car Brands in the World (Photos)

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This is a shortlist of the most demanded car brands across the world as car lovers long for their products in the automobile market.
If you are auto savvy, you must have observed that the trend of launching new models of cars every year is more frequent now as compared to the past.
The motive is obvious; the sale of cars has been increasing and the customers demand for the latest technology, comfort and enhanced speed in their cars.
This competition leads us to share the 5 most loved car brands in the world:
TOYOTA: This has been the undisputed champion but was recently overtaken by Volkswagen.

VOLKSWAGEN: Volkswagen has been fallingshort in Nigeria but still at the forefront globally. Not only did they take the No.1 world title from Toyota, they also beat Volvo to it in their home country.
FORD: Even Nigerians have now become so crazy about this brand from (Dearborn) Detroit, Michigan, USA.
HYUNDAI: Hyundai Motor Group is definitely one of thetop 5 automakers in the world in terms of sales volume.
HONDA: Honda is not just a name to reckon with in the automobile sphere, they are also industry leaders in garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft,generators etc.

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